welcome to salty's dwelling!

heyo! salty here :D
don't be shy i prob won't bite
feel free to check out commissions!
no need to rush hehehee


Please read my Terms of Services before considering commissioning me thank youuu!

art - [CLOSED]

Terms of Services

General conditions:
- I reserve the right to reject commissions if inappropriate (or if client is being inappropriate as well)
- first come first serve! again please be patient qwq
- commissions are non-refundable once started
- please credit me when sharing your final commision!
- please DO NOT use my commissions commercially, as an NFT, sell it, or claim it as your own.

Failure of following the conditions, or being in general rude/inappropriate will result in being put on the blacklist and will be unable to commission me permanently (this includes your alt accounts or anyway to contact me).

Order Form(s):

Art Form:
Description: (outfits, poses, mood, expression, etc)
Character Name/Bio: [OPTIONAL - i love reading oc's lore hehe]
Commission size: (Bust / Half body / Full body / Character design)
Style Type: (sketch / lineart / flat color / full render / painting)
Background: (simple / complex + desc of what you would like it to be)
Paypal/Cashapp email/tag:
Permission to share your commission online and/or as an example on my carrd?: (YES/NO)

Contact me if you are interested for a comm!
Discord: saltnyako

I can draw:
- OCs
- fandom characters
- stickmen
- furry/anthro
- mild gore/violence

I will not draw:
- NSFW / suggestive themes
- offensive/hate themes/topic
- specific fandom characters (ill let you know whether i will/will not draw your requested fandom character)
- realism
- mecha
- macho

I will try drawing:
- complex backgrounds (im so bad at cities qwqqqq)
-feral / four-legged creatures (kinda depends on pose, i like drawing dragons thou :D)
- heavy gore/violence (need to practice/references for myself lol)

Deadlines and Progress:
- production ranges from a week to +4 months
- feel free to let me know if there is deadline for your comm for other reasons (we can work that out ^^)
- please be patient! i got school/personal projects/and other commissions to do :,D
- i will keep you updated in case something unexpected happens that would delay the progress qwq
- i will also send you a lot of wips to make sure it is to your liking
- any major change requests after finalizing the sketch will cost additional fees
-feel free to ask questions!! communication is very important and is totally fine if you are confused with some things :D

- please pay 50% up front! (for sketch comm please pay fully)
- when I finalize the sketch, please pay the rest of the 50
- I can accept Paypal (preferable) and Cashapp !
- for animation comms: a flat fee will be requested for the sketch/storyboarding then i will determine the rest once i see how complex the scenes/frames are (but sketch comms will be full pay)

Notice! I may charge a little more or a little less depending on how complex/simple your character design/request is
*Prices may change as well depending on demand!!

Art Pricing

* applies for both art styles *
Bust - $10
Half-body - $15
Full-Body - $20
Clean Flat:
Bust - $30
Half-body - $35
Full-Body - $45
add simple shadow (only for sketch and flat): $1-$5 (depends on complexity of design)Full render:
Bust - $50
Half-body - $60
Full-Body - $70
Painting: (NOT FOR SALE ATM)
Bust - $90
Half-body - $95
Full-Body - $110
simple/flat/abstract - FREEEEE
complex - $10-30
Lineart - $15
Lineless - $25
Character design (NOT FOR SALE ATM): (will include a flat-colored front/back view and any additional sketch doodles)
type: (stickman / feral/anthro / human / monster / etc..)
$20-100 depending on complexity of design request
extra characters will each cost another 50% each

Animation Pricing

prices will vary A LOT depending on complexity of request / amount of frames / how long the video is
(adding audio is free :D (i will not do sfx for now sorry!)
vc in discord may be needed for discussing complex storyboarding (only for PMV and AMV)
For animation memes:
I have a list of animation memes (see below of page) that I will only do (to avoid doing the same meme for ohers), first come first serve on choosing animation memes! however if you recommend one that isn't on the list, i will see if I can do it :D (since there are some memes i personally plan to make)
Two-frame gif - $2-10
Gif - $5-30
Short anim (up to 10 sec) - $5-30
Animation meme - $20-60
PMV/animatic (picture music video) - $50-90+
AMV (animated music video) - $60-100+
Two-frame gif - $5-15
Gif - $20-40
Short anim (up to 10 sec)- $20-90
Animation meme - $60-150
PMV (picture music video) - $60-100+
AMV (animated music video) - $100-200+
Full render:
Two-frame gif - $10-20
Gif - $25-50
Short anim (up to 10 sec) - $25-100
Animation meme - $70-250
PMV (picture music video) - $150-250+
AMV (animated music video) - $150-300+
Simple/flat color/flat abstract- FREEEEEEEEE
Moving abstract - $5-20
Flat complex - $10-25
Moving/multiple complex - $20-100+
extra characters:
(depends on how much screen time they have / type of style but may range from $5-100 per character; this is still a work in progress with the pricing but we can negotiate :D)

Art/Anim Examples!


- self taught artist/animator
- i use CSP, procreate, and Animate CC
- you will either see me as a cat or a cephalopod (both are my sonas)
- a simple gremlin
- i love food
- i hope to inspire others in creating more art!!! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
- i cant decide whether to vibe or go feral (but im mostly chill :D)

Social Medias

I am the most active on Discord and Twitter if you wanna contact me!
Discord: saltnyako#3301